Well a lot has happened since my last post. I have been so busy with numerous things I have neglected to keep everyone posted, shame on me, LOL. Well first of all let me start off my saying HAPPY NEW YEAR, so far it hasn't been the best but it hasn't been the worst. LOTS OF EVERDAY STRESS. Our eldest Miracle turned 6, I cannot believe it, I didn't think it would bother me but as the day draws closer for him to go to school I realize it really is bothering me, I AM GOING TO MISS HIM. But he is ready he asks every day how much longer. I ended up having a Tonsillectomy, that was an interesting experience but I am so glad I did it. My wonderful mom and mother in law were here to help me through my recovery. If you are considering a Tonsillectomy and Adnoidectomy and would like to know anything, just ask I will tell you the absolute truth. I turned 25 yahoo, although on my birthday I wasn't in the celebrating mood, because I had my surgery the day before my birthday. I am now :). I was so excited cause my insurance will go down and I can rent a car without my husband. I know the little things that excite us. Jeremy and I celebrated our 8th Valentines together and Lou Lou's first. She was so cute in her pictures. Jeremy had his 30th Birthday, He was totally surprised by his parents showing up and having family and close friends show up for his birthday dinner. It was great he had no clue and he is the hardest person to surprise. Jacob lost his first tooth, that was interesting all on its own. I was getting aggravated with him and brushed his teeth for him and did it a little to hard which popped his tooth which was already loose out. He freaked at first cause he saw blood, the kid does not like blood mostly on himself and then he was worried that we was never gonna get another tooth, so we had to explain to him the growing up process. After that talk he was fine especially after he found out he was going to get MONEY, that makes everything better. Then this last Thursday he had to go to his 6 year appt and get one shot so he would be ready for school next year. If you know Jacob in the past years of getting shots I have had to make Jeremy go with me so Jeremy could hold him down while they gave him a shot. I told Jacob he had to be a big boy and let them give him the shot because he had to get that shot before he could go to school, at first when he first saw the needle his eyes got huge, the nurse asked me to hold his hands, she gave him the shot he didn't flinch, cry, nothing, I was so proud of him. Later that day after the shot he had said something about going to school tomorrow, I told him he had to wait 240 more days first. In the past week our lives have been chaotic, Kaleigh got sick I had to take her to Urgent Care and found out she had Pneumonia (which all my kids have gotten with asthma problems around 9-12 months) so we got a antibiotic and baby albuterol for her. Then two days after taking her to the docs I had to take Judah to the docs, because he had had a fever for the past 3 days, was having some coughing and slight breathing problems found out he may have had a little bit of what Kaleigh had but his main problem was that he had a SEVERE EAR INFECTION, so had to get an antibiotic for him. I am so sick of antibiotics. LOL. Anyways that is basically all that has been going on in our lives and most of it has happened within the last month, hence why my blogs have been neglected.