Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My Poor Kids

LOL a week ago Jeremy and I left and went to Vegas for 3 days for a business seminar, which was interesting but not my thing so I got bored. While we were gone my wonderful parents watched all 3 of the kids at our house, here are a few things that were said and done,

Judah only wanted to eat Sour Cream
Jacob asked if he was ever gonna see his mommy again, lol poor guy
Kaleigh got excited when my parents put her in our bed with them
Judah was MOODY MUDAH as always

I am so thankful and grateful my parents were able to watch them, I know my kids had fun and it is good for them to get away from mommy and daddy and spend some time with just their grandparents. It was also nice to get away for a couple days even though just sitting wore me out more than what I do everyday, I didn't realized how much I missed them till I saw them. My dad picked us up from the airport and had Jacob and Judah with him, they were excited to see us, Jacob said "hi mommy I missed you so much" and then fell asleep, Judah grabbed my arm and held it and talked my ear off, and when we got home Kaleigh was not sure what to think, she was a little upset at me, the next day she wouldn't let me out of her sight everytime I went to where she couldn't see me she would start crying. But all in all they had fun and it was good for them, they need to get away more often.

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