As a Mommy-Wife-and everything else to my family of 5 I am the modern day superhero woman. I am speaking for all Mommies and Wives. As a mommy and wife I am a nurse, repairwoman, decorator, "Gourmet" chef, Biblical Theologian ( to my kids at least), Lawyer, Judge, Police, Jury, Teacher, Student, Cheerleader, Advertising Specialist, Accountant, well I am tired of naming everything basically you name it I do it. I am the Queen of multitasking.
I can carry a diaper bag, a toddler, hold a 6 year old hand unwillingly and push a stroller/cart -- all at the same time.
I can be cooking dinner, cleaning house, breaking up a fight, and take care of a fussy baby -- all at the same time.
When I am in a public place and have to use the restroom, I have to take three kids with me and somehow manage to use the restroom change 2 diapers and wash 8 hands.
When one of them is hurt, something about Mommy/Me makes it ALL BETTER --that is the best feeling
If I don't get up early enough before kids wake up to do my work out, take a shower, and eat something it most likely won't happen or at least not like I want.
When the house is too quiet, it means trouble. Serious trouble. And with my kids especially my wild 6 year old you have to find out what he is doing but really don't want to because especially at other peoples house it is MORTIFYING.
Going to the church is where I get most of my intelligent conversations although it is amazing how smart kids are. I do talk to my husband when he is home.
I don't know what it is but they could not want anything to do with the kitchen all day and then when you are in there trying to make them lunch or make dinner you can't hardly get them out.
Quiet time is when the babies are napping, and believe me quiet time is essential, it is my time to recharge.
When my house is all vacuumed and swept and all the laundry is done and put away my house feels CLEAN and IMMACULATE.
If my son gets sugar I make him run around the house 6 or more times and usually it doesn't help, some people don't think it effects him but it DOES.
and then there are these times
my 2 1/2 year old kissing me continually without stopping
my 6 year old after dinner and during dinner "Mommy that is so good, so good, can I have more"
my 10 month old getting excited when I walk in her room to get her out of bed, its like she has seen me for the first time.
watching my children learn what prayer is from an infant, raising their hands and clapping, learning to say prayers at bed time and when eating
there are so many but I don't have time to write them all out. But with everything I do I think I am the Modern Day SuperHero Woman, not Michelle Obama, Oprah, Brittney Spears, Martha Stewart, or whoever else there might me. Also my husband Is my Modern Day SuperHero and my kids but that is another Post.